Make Someone's Day with a Personalized Video Greeting Card

Give a digital dimension to your greeting cards by adding video messages of friends and family for an extra engaging surprise!

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Find the perfect greeting card!

GiftLips for All Occasions

Find the ideal gift for any event at GiftLips! From birthdays to Christmas, Mother's Day to graduations, we offer tailored choices for her, him, and over 50 occasions. Easily make every moment special with GiftLips.

More than just a greeting card

Like and Comment

Do they love your cards? You’ll know!

Save for Later

Save and edit your cards whenever you’re ready.

Print and Ship

We’ll print your card and ship it directly to your loved ones for you.

Activity Log

Monitor your card’s progress and engagements.

Unlimited Viewing

No limit on QR code scans or video views.

Unlimited Edit

Edit your greeting card to perfection!

What your
video greeting card
would look like:

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No credit card required.

Creative and Marketing Guidance

Read our articles for inspiration on how to make the best use of our cards!

Taylor Swift Gift Card: The Perfect Gift for a Swiftie

You want to surprise your Swiftie bestie with the ultimate gift – a Taylor Swift gift card!  They’d then be able to snag that perfect album on vinyl, a cozy cardigan inspired by folklore, or maybe even a phone case emblazoned with their favorite lyrics.  But hold on a sec… before you hit “purchase,” there’s […]

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GiftLips for Business

From company greeting cards to brand event invitations, GiftLips provides solutions that will help you personalize video message for all your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions.

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What is GiftLips?

GiftLips is an innovative online store for greeting cards that lets you send personalized video greeting cards with your own videos for birthdays, anniversary, graduation, weddings, or any special occasion and holidays.

How does GiftLips work?

GiftLips offers a wide selection of greeting cards for all occasions that you can customize and add videos.To make a personalized card with a video, choose a card and add a personal card message that will be printed on it. Then, record or upload your videos, or invite other people to collaborate so they can add their videos directly to your card. After checking out, you can download your work as a printable card or have your greeting card shipped directly to your recipient. They can watch your videos through their phones when they scan the QR code that’s incorporated into your card's design.

Can I customize the greetings and video messages?

Absolutely! With GiftLips, you can personalize your greetings and video messages. We understand the importance of adding a personal touch, so you can easily customize your greetings and video messages to make them unique and heartfelt. Whether it's a heartfelt message or a personalized video, you can tailor your greetings to suit the occasion and make a gift that feels like a warm virtual hug.

Can I add other files aside from videos?

Yes, GifftLips supports audio and video files. Upgrade your traditional greeting cards by sending them with videos as a gift. But GiftLips greeting card maker also allows you to add audio files because we understand that not everyone loves to be in front of the camera.

Is Giftlips free?

GiftLips is also a free online greeting card maker that enables you to make free printable greeting cards. You can download these cards as PDFs and print them on your own, or directly send them to your loved ones as a free e-card. But we also offer greeting card printing and shipping services, so you can relax while we deliver your card directly to your loved one's doorstep.

Will the QR code on my greeting card expire?

Yes, the QR code on your greeting card will expire after 21 days, but you can extend the video expiration during checkout.

Is there a scan limit to my greeting card QR code?

No, your recipients can scan your greeting card QR code as many times as they wish and view your videos anytime. But for free cards, recipients can scan the QR code up to 15 times.

What devices can scan my greeting card QR code?

Your greeting card QR code is scannable using any smartphone, tablet, or other devices with a QR code scanner or at least an iOS 11 or Android 9 operating system.

What size is your greeting card?

Our greeting cards are printed on a 7 × 5 inches or 17.78 cm x 12.7 cm high-quality glossy card.

Can I use GiftLips to send greeting cards internationally?

Yes, GiftLips offers international shipping to selected countries.

How long does it take for a greeting card to be delivered?

Delivery times vary depending on the region, but shipping usually takes 2 to 6 business days.

  • USA: 3-5 business days
  • Germany: 1-2 business days
  • Australia: 5-7 business days
  • UK: 2-5 business days
  • Rest of Europe: 3-7 business days
  • Rest of the World: up to 14 business days
What payment methods does GiftLips accept?

GiftLips accepts major debit and credit card payments with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and China UnionPay. We also accept e-wallet payments such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Link using the Stripe payment gateway.

Can I use Giftlips to make cards other than greeting cards?

Yes, GiftLips is a versatile online video greeting card maker that can accommodate all your card needs, from birthday cards, invitation cards, holiday cards, thank you cards, and even video greeting cards for business.

Can I return a greeting card if I'm not satisfied with it?

Yes, GiftLips has a return policy for greeting cards that are damaged or not as described on GiftLips Return and Refund Policy, or contact our customer support at

What happens if my greeting card is lost or damaged during shipment?

GiftLips has a policy for lost or damaged greeting cards during shipment. Please refer to it here.

How do I contact GiftLips customer service?

You can contact GiftLips customer service through the website's real-time chat support or by email at